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Even if ONE of these resonates with you, this mentorship is for you…

  • You've made money, even scaled fast…now, it’s time to breathe and feel more in flow
  • You've built the biz by yourself…now, you’re ready to delegate to elevate
  • You've hit $3k months and/or $20k+ launches…now, it’s time to break out of the that container & uplevel
  • You've created some epic programs & results…now, you’re craving expanding your offerings, but maybe aren’t sure what the next best step is/which direction to go
  • You've built everything organically (which is incredible), you’re considering adding things in like media tours, speaking gigs, and maybe even playing with ads to help generate more leads

Whether you’re approaching 6-figures or have already made 6-figures, keep reading!

You’ve worked hard and should be so proud of the success you’ve achieved…I know I am.

But, one of the biggest mistakes struggling coaches and entrepreneurs make is that the moment they see some success, they take their foot off the gas and expect to just cruise.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

The truth is, NOW is the time to pour gasoline on the fire you’ve started! 

And the most successful coaches know that working harder and doing more is NOT the answer.

You’re at a pivotal crossroads in your business (one that I can relate to).

You can either:

Stay on the hustle hamster wheel, continuing working more and trying to figure it out by yourself
Feed off the momentum you’ve already created, get into a room of expanders, and allow yourself to plug into systems that have been proven to work time and time again

All successful entrepreneurs know the importance of planning, dropping the ego and asking for help, setting themselves up for success, continuous growth mindset practices, & getting in rooms that stretch them...

Which is exactly why the following is so powerful...

community that “get it” who can both cry and celebrate with you; as well as, people to collaborate with

collapsing time by learning from someone who has already walked the path

strategies & non-biased insights to help you simply see what you can not

Hear from some of our past clients:

"I have the tools now, I felt like I was missing parts/steps along the way for so long…this gave me permission that how I’m being and what I’m doing is enough already. I can finally breathe. I've been showing up more on social media (more fun, more consistent), and I've had 2 of my best months to date, $13 and $14k months, more reoccurring money than ever before!"

-Alex Najarian

"1.5 years ago I didn’t know it was possible and now it’s my full life. I was going through a WTF season (limiting beliefs, coaching, it’s a scam), but now I know I’m in the right place and I could pivot 5x. I don’t have one foot out the door anymore and I’m committed to this fully (for the first time), I am worthy of this. I had my first $100k launch and I finally have my first team member (VA)!"

-Diana Davis

" I learned so much about coaching, high level conversation, and I've grown as a person as a result. I've had 2 of my highest months ever (not by accident), took what I needed from the program & created money out of thin air, over $20k months! I now have fewer clients but more money, and I'm not convincing but now simply inviting. Mindset has been my biggest shift!"

-Dino Malvone

Beyond 6-Figures Mentorship

is for the leader who understands the importance of integrity, giving, being coached, and is open to receiving. They honor, respect, and understand what it means to be a part of a safe container.


During this 6-month mentorship, you’ll receive support, coaching, & trainings on:

Leadership, Team Building,
& Psychology


  • Discover your leadership style
  • Company Purpose/Mission/Core Values
  • Creating flows that work best for your clients learning style.
  • Building & scaling your team
  • Creating an org chart that ensures keeping you in your ZOG.

Advanced Launching
& Sales Strategies


  • Hosting challenges
  • Running webinars
  • Amplifying your live launching
  • Integrate affiliate partnership marketing to expand your list size, leads, and sales.
  • Test & understand EPL/CPL and ads strategies.

Systems, Automations,
& Managing Energy

  • Business & offers audit
  • Restructure and patch any holes, plug leaks
  • Master project management
  • Create systems/automations to maximize your time & energy.
  • Narrow in on offers, messaging, & new products.

Branding, Media,
& Lead Generation


  • Build brand awareness
  • Generate more leads
  • Gain exposure to share your message
  • Start hosting events/retreats.
  • Discern who you are in the market
  • Become confident & clear in your authoritative positioning.

This level of entrepreneur understands how to maximize coaching, they lead themself, and they show up and ask for what they need.

This is NOT for the person who needs hand holding or coddling.

There is no income or revenue minimum to join; however, you must have a business, offers, experience launching, and paying clients.


is for the Entrepreneur who:

  • Already has a business, experience launching, clients, and revenue
  • Is looking to grow their audience, reach, product suite, and impact
  • Knows they need to start delegating, outsourcing, and hiring but isn’t sure where to find their unicorn ninja team members
  • Wants to scale their monthly revenue from $10k-$30k/month beyond $50k-$100k/month
  • Is looking to grow & refine their leadership skills
  • Understands the importance of “doing the work” and finding alignment in who they get to become while doing less and doing better
  • Wants to gain a better understanding and grasp on their financials


is NOT for the entrepreneur who:

  • Is looking to get started in their business
  • Doesn’t have any programs, offerings, or sales
  • Isn’t willing to do the deep internal work
  • Wants to work alone, refuses to give up control, and doesn’t like collaborating
  • Is interested in E-commerce, creating physical products, and/or scaling a brick and mortar business
  • Needs one on one hands on support

Imagine having a portal of resources to utilize at any moment while scaling your business. The same systems and resources we've used to crank out 6-figure launches since 2018 & consistent MULTIPLE 6-FIGURE LAUNCHES since 2019!!!

Yup, we're giving you the full experience; a holistic approach to learning & growing your business from those who have actually done it and who continue to work in the trenches…bringing you real-time lessons, tweaks, and insights!

The Proof is in the text!

Wins from some of our past clients:

This level of entrepreneur understands how to maximize coaching, they lead themself, they show up, and they ask for what they need.

There's no denying the power of in-person connection

Don't get me wrong, zoom is incredible and allows us for global networking, but there is nothing like being IN THE ROOM. Team DBE+ & I are over the moon excited to be hosting our insanely transformation & memorable in person retreats/events! Beyond 6-Figures full experience will include an in person retreat during the Fall (full details TBD) where we'll focus on community, connection, personal growth, strategy, & more.



6-month commitment

βœ… Bi-weekly calls with Jess (2x/month)

βœ… Access to our Beyond 6-Figures coaching portal (with dozens of trainings to scale your business)

βœ… Private FB community for daily accountability, support, & collaboration

❌ In-Person Retreat with Jess, Team DBE+, and other experts (Date & Location TBD)



6-month commitment

βœ… Bi-weekly calls with Jess (2x/month)

βœ… Access to our Beyond 6-Figures coaching portal (with dozens of trainings to scale your business)

βœ… Private FB community for daily accountability, support, & collaborations

βœ… In-Person Retreat with Jess, Team DBE+, and other experts (Date & Location TBD)

The Proof is in the text!

More wins from some of our past clients:

Imagine the best course you’ve ever taken married a mastermind and they had a baby…

That’s what this MENTORSHIP EXPERIENCE will feel like!!!

Interested in Learning More?Β Send us your info now!

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