An Intimate Elite Level Mastermind for Entrepreneurs Who Are Ready to Expand Their Network, Grow Their Income, & Uplevel Their Personal Growth. 


Have you ever heard the saying,

“You can’t read a prescription bottle from the inside”?

Most of us approach our business decisions from an inside lens and we both know that things aren’t always clear from that perspective. 


Which is why immersing yourself in a room of high level entrepreneurs who can offer outside perspective and proven strategy is a critical component to your accelerated growth.

Picture this… a strategically curated group that will:

  • Expand what you currently believe to be possible and encourage you to not only think bigger, but actually PLAY bigger
  • Offer support that you can lean on when you face challenges and obstacles  (let’s face it, it’s not a matter of if; but rather when)
  • Act as a sounding board to bounce “crazy stupid ideas” off of, create brainstorm sessions, and create collaborative projects to increase your own visibility
  • Celebrate your wins because in all honesty…we entrepreneurs can’t celebrate this type of BIG stuff with just anyone
  • Uncover the strategies that other successful entrepreneurs in the room are currently using in their business, so that you can borrow, test, and implement immediately 

In person masterminds are the best way to create powerful networks and collapse time so that you can actually move the needle in your business.

This elite mastermind is for you if you:

  • Are on pace to make or have already made at least $200k in 2024
  • Have an offer that’s been proven to convert (more than once) and have had experience launching (a variety of products & price points are welcome) 
  • Are focusing on systemizing, automating, and hiring in your business
  • Are a decisive action taker who is willing to implement immediately, get resourceful, and be coachable (even when it’s uncomfortable)

The DBE Mastermind is a hand selected group of entrepreneurs who commit to one year of growth, connection, and support to elevate their lives and businesses while having more fun away from their laptop screens. It’s a safe space to be stretched, challenged, and celebrated!


What to Expect in this Mastermind:


THREE in-person events (Feb, June, & Oct) with the most high level guest experts, nourishing food, group activities, and deep connection to help skyrocket both your personal and professional growth.


Bi-weekly (2 per month: one with Jess & one with Team DBE) group zoom calls for direct feedback, individualized support, accountability, and strategies to plug the holes you may be finding in your own business.


Let’s face it, a time will come where you’re going to wish you could rub a genie lamp and pull a coach out of your back pocket; The moments you need immediate support that can’t wait until the next scheduled call, you can connect directly with Jess & the team. In addition to your “SOS” calls, you’ll also receive two 3:1 calls with Jess & the team (start of the year & midway through the year) to recap, review, and ramp up your 6 months focus & actions. 


A fan favorite is our private Telegram channel where Jess drops activations, trainings, real time lessons, debriefs, and random voice notes to encourage new ways of thinking. The channel is meant to keep you motivated, inspired, and ultimately “plugged in”. 


Access to our advanced Mastermind portal with hundreds of hours of lessons, workbook pages, recordings from past guest experts, and more! Plus lifetime access to our signature program Empower, a year of access to our monthly membership The Club, and free admission to a variety of other programs we launch through the year!


Think of this private group as more than just an online community. This is the place you go to get support from our team and your peers… Think, landing page audits, copy brainstorming, immediate advice, sharing ideas and wins, and so much more!

*** Additionally, we’ll be offering TWO 3:1 calls with you, Jess, & team DBE: one to kick the year off & one ½ way through the year to ensure we’re all on the same page and supporting you & your goals the best we can!

Check out what our mastermind clients have said:


Hey, I'm Jess Glazer DeRose


I started my online business in 2012 as a “cute side hustle”, and for the first few years…that’s exactly what it was. 

In 2017 I quit my 9-5 job, joined my first mastermind, and scaled my “cute side hustle” to over $1 million in revenue in just 18 months. 

Since then I’ve gone on to make multiple millions from courses and coaching. I’ve had $100k days, $250k weeks, $300k+ launches and have averaged over $50k/months since 2019. 

Over the last few years I’ve invested over $400,000 to be in the highest level masterminds so that I could learn from the best in the biz. 

Our Elite Mastermind is a culmination of over a decade of learning, growth, and experiences that I’ve had in the online industry. 

It’s a marriage of my favorite strategies and experiences, PLUS the things I wish I had along my journey… packaged together by our team of Unicorns so that YOU can make 2025 your biggest year yet!

This level of entrepreneur understands how to maximize coaching, they lead themself, and they show up and ask for what they need.

This is NOT for the person who needs hand holding or coddling.

There is no income or revenue minimum to join; however, you must have a business, offers, experience launching, and paying clients.


is for the Entrepreneur who:

  • Already has a business, experience launching, clients, and revenue
  • Is looking to grow their audience, reach, product suite, and impact
  • Knows they need to start delegating, outsourcing, and hiring but isn’t sure where to find their unicorn ninja team members
  • Wants to scale their monthly revenue from $10k-$30k/month beyond $50k-$100k/month
  • Is looking to grow & refine their leadership skills
  • Understands the importance of “doing the work” and finding alignment in who they get to become while doing less and doing better
  • Wants to gain a better understanding and grasp on their financials


is NOT for the entrepreneur who:

  • Is looking to get started in their business
  • Doesn’t have any programs, offerings, or sales
  • Isn’t willing to do the deep internal work
  • Wants to work alone, refuses to give up control, and doesn’t like collaborating
  • Is interested in E-commerce, creating physical products, and/or scaling a brick and mortar business
  • Needs one on one hands on support

If you’re anything like us, you’re likely craving…

  • Guidance from people who have already “been there” and who want to see you succeed
  • In person events because, we can all agree Zoom is great, but there’s nothing like IRL
  • Collaborations to keep business fun while expanding your audience and reach
  • Accountability & support because when you don’t “have a boss”; well, we all know what happens 

Look, you may be super comfortable in your business right now. But, I want you to think back to a time you stretched yourself enough that it ultimately got you HERE.

The only reason my business is where it is today (with an incredible team, insane client results, a functioning school in Ghana) is because I’ve taken repeated, scary and uncomfortable risks by continuously investing money to “get in the room”.

Team Digital Business Evolution and I could not be more excited to invite you into our most elevated experience yet!  Remember, leaders are willing to go first.


More words from our mastermind clients:


Your business is a reflection of you and it will only grow to the extent that you grow. It will also only grow to the level of challenges you’re willing and able to manage. 

We've found that, while revenue may be very alluring, it has no bearing on how much value an individual can add to the room or that their business is sustainable and profitable. Because of this, we are NOT requiring a specific revenue minimum to be accepted into this mastermind. 


That said, we DO take our admission process very seriously.

The qualities of leader we are looking for come directly from some of our company core values:

1. Integrity Always

We look to connect with others who honor their word, lead with compassion, and operate with ethics as their North Star.  

2. Cultivating Community

Seeking entrepreneurs who understand the power of community over competition; not just those who say it, but who live and breathe it through every action.

3. Growth Minded

We are always looking to push the limit on what is possible in business and in life. With demands like that, we are seeking high performers who are coachable and resourceful. 

4. Play in the Dirt

We believe that every leader needs to roll up their sleeves and do what it takes to get the job done #messyaction. But, they must also understand the importance of taking time away from the business to play and fill up their cup, so they can pour back into others.


This is for you if...

  • x
  • x
  • x

Some of our clients most recent wins:

The most successful entrepreneurs take a proactive approach and make decisions based on where they desire to be, not where they currently are. 

Now you know the caliber of entrepreneur we accept & the high level experience we provide.


If you meet the requirements and are ready to step into growth then ultimately, you have to be the one to call your own shot.

The only next step is to book your interview to see if we think you are a good fit.


Your questions answered:

Some more of our clients most recent wins: