03 | Fear is Preventing You From Moving Forward

Mar 17, 2022

In this episode of The Digital Business Evolution Podcast, Jessica talks about the negative and positive – yes, positive! – aspects of fear. Fear can keep us stuck, fear can keep us safe, and ultimately…fear can keep us from reaching our full potential. 

Fear is also there for us to be in a place of vulnerability where we can feel afraid of rejection and embarrassment, but it also has the power to help us grow into the person we truly want to be if we are really listening. 

When it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone, quitting the unfulfilling job you have, and starting an online business where you are your own boss, the fears can be overwhelming. You start to think that there are so many variables that could go wrong, and suddenly fear paralyzes you. Why do we let fear guide our lives in this way?

Listen in on this episode and learn how you can turn your fear into a superpower. Allow it to help guide you.

As always, thank you for listening and it would mean the world to us if you rated, reviewed and shared it on social. 

Cheers to your evolution!


Episode Quote

  • “At the end of the day stepping through fear, stepping into fear, opening that door and unlocking that door where fear lives is super uncomfortable. In fact, it’s the only way.” – Jessica Derose


Key Timestamps

  • [00:59] – Fear is preventing you from doing the things you want the most;
  • [03:58] – Jess shares her experience with fear;
  • [05:11] – Taking a leap of faith and believing in yourself (crossing the river);
  • [08:39] – Why are we afraid if we have all been rejected before?
  • [12:25] – Fear has the power to make you grow;
  • [15:31] – Jess invites you to say goodbye to fear this week.


Episode Resources


About Jessica Derose

Jessica Derose is an entrepreneur and business mentor, who helps coaches build profitable online business. After quitting her 8-year career as an elementary school teacher and creating a multiple 7-figure business herself, Jessica is here to unlock doors you didn’t even know existed.


Connect with Jessica