146 | The Biggest Reason Your Sales Are Not Converting

Oct 27, 2023

In this episode of the Digital Business Evolution podcast, Jess is back with the "Get Ready With Me" series. These episodes are powerful recordings taken from Jess’s daily lives on instagram. For the full experience you can head on over Jess’s instagram page @iamjessicaderose to catch the next one and even watch the full replay on the official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jessicaderose/videos 

Today Jess  tackles a common issue that many entrepreneurs face: struggling to convert followers into clients. If you're finding that your sales aren't converting as expected, this episode is for you.

Jess talks about the importance of focusing on building trust and relationships with your audience long before launching or opening your doors.

But what if you're already in the midst of a launch and sales are still not coming through? Jess suggests that it may be a messaging problem, rather than a lack of leads or conversion skills. It's about clearly communicating the value of your offer and the transformation it can provide. So, if you're ready to unlock the potential of converting your followers into clients, tune in to this insightful episode.

As always, cheers to your evolution!


Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the importance of conversions earlier and not during launch. 
  • Learn how to address the messaging issue and clarify value and transformation. 

  • Learn how to not focus so much on the deliverables but instead the transformation.


Episode Resources


📸 Current Gear/Camera Setup:


Connect with Jess

Instagram: @iamjessicaderose

TikTok: @iamjessicaderose

Youtube: @jessicaderose