160 | Should You Invest In A Course, Coaching or Mastermind?

Dec 15, 2023

In this episode of the Digital Business Evolution podcast, Jess delves into the question: Should you invest in a course, coaching, or mastermind for your business? Jess breaks down and compares each option from her experience in the industry, providing insights into who each option is best suited for, what you can expect to gain, and how they can benefit your business in different ways. 

Whether you're a self-starter looking for a specific skill set, seeking mentorship and accountability, or craving peer-to-peer learning and an expanded network, Jess covers it all. Get ready to explore the world of entrepreneurship and make an informed decision on your next investment in 2024.

As always, cheers to your evolution!


Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the definition and purpose of a course. 

  • Learn and understand what exactly is a mastermind and all its benefits. 

  • Learn all about seasonal business investments. 

Episode Resources


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Connect with Jess

Instagram: @iamjessicaderose

TikTok: @iamjessicaderose

Youtube: @jessicaderose