186 | The 3 Money Mindset Shifts that will Increase Sales and Unlock Financial Freedom

Apr 05, 2024

In this episode of the Digital Business Evolution podcast, Jess gets into the complex and often sticky topic of money mindset. Jess shares three powerful mindset shifts that can transform your relationship with money and help you make more sales!

With insights on understanding sales as a service, recognizing the infinite nature of money, and shifting focus from scarcity to abundance, this episode is the go to for an empowered approach to financial success. Join Jess as she offers practical advice and personal anecdotes to inspire a positive shift in your perception of money. Tune in to take the first step towards evolving your money mindset.

As always, cheers to your evolution!


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Connect with Jessica

Instagram: @iamjessicaderose

TikTok: @iamjessicaderose